Here's a how-to story that serves two purposes.
First, it's a great look at writing about technology in plain speak.
Second, it's a great way to learn all about twitter.
The love/hate war rages about the awesomeness/super-suck of twitter, but it's worth knowing how to do.
Following politicians on twitter is a great way to score scoops. They say the darnedest things.
Also, twitter is a challenge like no other in keeping writing short.
Done right: quick bursts of useful/funny/poetic prose.
Done wrong: narcissists telling you every move they make. (Unless they are said politicians, and sometimes that leads to the a fore mentioned scoops.)
Nickie, thanks for posting that.
ReplyDeleteI think Twitter can be what you make of it. There's no question it can remind you how many vapid people there are out there. But I know I get 2-3 story ideas or potential source contacts each week just by having "York, Pa." as a search term in Twitterfall. That alone has made it worthwhile.
And I don't know how many people click on the links I send out, but I know I've picked up a lot of followers (several from York County) after I've posted stuff. It's not going to raise our ad revenue or whatever, but it does get our name out there as an interesting, go-to news source.
I find stuff on there, too. I am working on learning to link my twitter and facebook page.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tweeted in a while, but if I could combine those two, I think it would work for me. Facebook's newsfeed looks pretty much like twitter now anyway.
I am surprised about all the people who have been joining twitter in the last couple months. I was a naysayer about twitter and facebook a couple years ago, but I really do get tons of story ideas there.