Jan. 10 -- Discussion of "Harvey has a family," by Ken Fuson, and ABC News 20/20's version of the same story.
Feb. 21 -- Conscious a.k.a. Jerald Proctor, spoken word poet. |
Jan. 31-Feb. 1 -- Seminar with Lon Wagner and Diane Tennant of the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. |
March 7 -- Buffy on Anne Lamott's "Bird by Bird" |
March 28 -- Storytelling speaker: children's book author Nancy Springer |
April 12 -- Storytelling speaker: artist Mary Jewell, 4:30 p.m. |
May 9 -- Storytelling speaker: Diane Crews, playwright in residence at DreamWrights Youth & Family Theatre |
May 23 -- Storytelling speaker: singer/songwriter Tony Ryder of the band Wayne Supergenius. |
June 6 -- Storytelling speaker: Mountain Moon Storytellers (oral tradition) Bob & Barb Gingerich |
July 11 -- Six-month seminar (Jen, ChrisG, Jeff, Charlotte, Buffy, ScottB, Jason) |
July 18 -- Storytelling speaker: Phil Cohen, who writes murder mysteries for local tea houses. |
Aug. 1 -- Brown bagger: Buffy and Jen led group discussion of Stephen King's "On Writing" |
Aug. 13 -- dinner at Frantz's, with readings of dialogue you captured. |
Sept. 5 -- "Homicide" TV show's "Three Men and Adena," plus discussion of David Simon's book. |
Sept. 18 -- Nicki Lefever on taking internet research to the next level. |
Oct. 3 -- Storytelling speaker: Comedian Earl David Reed. |
Nov. 13 -- Storytelling speaker: Marion Winik, author and NPR commentator |
Nov. 28 -- Brown bagger: Chris Glass on visual storytelling. |
Dec. 12 -- Storytelling speaker: Jennifer Hall, curator of exhibits for York County Heritage Trust 2008 March 19, noon -- Storytelling bagger: "The Wire" episode. Discussion about narrative techniques, particularly with multiple storylines. April 2, noon -- 2008 storytelling kickoff bagger. "Stoop storytelling" by Cathy Hirko, Sean Adkins, Michele Canty, Jeff Frantz, Brad Jennings and Jason Plotkin. Announcement of Newseum field trip. April 16 -- niche products (Buffy). April 30 -- Storytelling bagger: Feneon's three lines -- rhythm (music and writing) with Jen and Melissa. May 14 -- Storytelling bagger: Feneon's three lines -- understatement with Frantz and Dobo May 28 -- Live blogging a story with Cathy and Melissa. June 11 -- Grammar with Gulli. June 18 -- Storytelling bagger: Feneon's three lines -- dialogue with Jess and Erin July 9 -- Storytelling bagger: Feneon's three lines -- word choice with Paik and Blanchard July 23 -- Storytelling bagger: Feneon's three lines -- humor with Adkins and BBurkey. Aug. 6 -- Staff brainstorm on topics for online ethics guidelines. Aug. 14 -- PNA's Teri Henning on the state's new open records law Sept. 16 -- Robb Montgomery, visual/multimedia/designer, on reporting for the web/everyday multimedia opportunities. Sept. 17 -- Best practices: Editing -- Matt E. on copyediting, particularly on deadline, and tie it in to the life of a story from the reporting/writing phase to publication. Oct. 1 -- Best practices: Graphics -- Matt E. on editing graphics, tying it in to the life of a graphic from reporting/creation phase to publication. Oct. 15 -- Best practices: Project planning -- Matt E. on the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal's vigorous projects team, to see what we can learn and what we can apply to the way we do things. Oct. 29, 4:30 p.m. -- A Feneon three-lines bagger on suspense, from Jeff and Nickie. 2009 Aug. 12, 4:30 p.m. -- Jacqui videoconference, 2 of 4. Story structure & other tips for working on deadline (including all-day deadlines).