Friday, October 2, 2009

Daily narrative? Why, certainly

Got an e-mail from the Neiman Narrative Digest at Harvard U. (maybe some of you got the same one) that said:

"The Nieman Foundation is pleased to announce Nieman Storyboard, a new site providing a daily dose of narrative for readers."

Well, who can beat a daily dose of narrative?


  1. Scott,

    Indeed, one cannot beat it with a stick! At least that is the humble opinion of the Nieman Storyboard editors. But we hope you and your readers will participate in the site by sending narratives you think deserve attention, offering thoughtful comments, or asking questions about narrative journalism that we can get really talented storytellers to address.

  2. Andrea,

    Thanks. I'm sure several of us will be checking out the site & getting involved.
    If you have time for browsing, I've kept a list of links to narrative we've done (on the left rail of this blog); I'm a bit behind in putting stuff up, and I'd offer this one -- -- is, I think, a good example of what you might call daily narrative; that is, a fairly typical daily newspaper story that's written as a narrative, in a newsroom where we have to fight hard for time to tend to these kinds of stories.
    It's a good one to learn from in terms of where it succeeds and where it could be better.
